The Proper Savage Woman
In a society that has weakened its perception and expectations of man, we also have the same such weakening of women. Women have an incredible capacity to endure and grind out difficult circumstances with a toughness that is truly astounding.
We have read too many stories of pioneer women defending their homes side by side by side with their husbands and children in the most brutal conditions. Too many stories of women bearing children in the midst of traveling, working in the fields, or otherwise - and yet continuing in stride as though it is simply "situation normal". There are so many stories of women doing things that naturally put us all in a state of awe of their fortitude.
People - men and women alike - seem to rise or fall to the occasion. If great things are required of them, they do great things. If nothing is required of them, they do not do great things. As a general rule, it is as simple as that.
The path of least resistance is the default path of the human race. But during difficult times, the path of least resistance is extremely brutal, and thus it draws out the best in us.
During easy times, the path of least resistance is sloth, indulgence, self-pity, and ultimately self-loathing. The way we feel about ourselves then in turn effects the way we treat others. And the way we treat others either brings out the best or the worst in them as well.
We tend to fulfill the expectations given to us. Expectations given to us by society as a whole, and by those people we closely share our day to day lives with.
If we lower expectations of a what a man is, we inherently lower expectations of a what a woman is. And if we lower expectations of what a woman is, we inherently lower expectations of what a man is.
This is a two way street and if we can deliberately raise our expectations from one or the other, we will automatically raise the output of both.
A man who is valued as a man by a woman, becomes more of a man. And a woman who's womanliness is value by a man becomes more of a true woman.
Not only that, but women seem to have an inherently higher capacity for stepping into vulnerability than men. When a man is with a truly strong woman, she draws out more of his strength by inspiring him to step into new vulnerable territory. And when a woman is with a truly strong man, she is encouraged and validated by his affirmation, enabling her to accomplish what she never would have otherwise though possible. Again, it is a two way street of balance, complimentariness and fulfillment of expectations.
Let us all deliberately raise ourselves and those around us to the path of the Proper Savage. Not because current society demands it - because it certainly does not - but rather because we chose it. And if we do not choose it, this means certain decline and destruction of our society as a whole.
Rise above.